Monday, January 30, 2012

What's up?

So I thought about it and I think I might fix a few things on my Panty angel cosplay/ maybe remake it? I will be picking up some things this month that should help with that :D

Also I have some cosplay ideas. I already had a no more heroes idea (Strawberry) but I think I might make Bad girl's costume first -

I also was thinking of making Juliet's costume from Lollipop Chainsaw :D ohh it's a cute one -

See what I mean? Too much cute for one cosplay :DDD And if you are confused..YES I am still making SeeU's cosplay -

I just need to go get the materials for it because I don't have anything with me at the dorms. I have my machine and some old costumes but I don't have my fabric box...ehh. We shall see how everything goes. I've already contacted a few people about shipping me props and shoes here, I also thought long and hard about maybe buying a costume if I get too busy....I've never done that and I'm actually scared to lol. But If I do I'll update again.

Later <3

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Updates :D


♥ Ohayocon - Ohio
♥ SakuraCon - Washington
♥ Phoenix Comicon - Arizona
♥ Anime Expo - California

Hoping to see some great art on my travels which is why I won't be going to many in Ohio because I already go to galleries here.


• World of Warcraft
• Panty & Stocking
• Marvel Comics
• Batman
• The world ends with you

If you are wondering -
Nick will be leaving April 2nd to begin training and will be gone for the rest of the year which is why we will be attending Ohayocon together then after that we'll be hanging out as much as we can before he leaves (he has to train for boot camp and his actual job) So he'll be somewhere warm (you can guess where) and I'll be stuck in Ohio for school till I get a con to go to.


Okay, so I've been getting some messages from people who live in my area and know where I go to school and it seems that a lot of people want to know where I spend my time while I'm at school.

3:30 - 6:20 Design
6:45 - 9:30 Paint and color theory

8:00 - 10:50 Drawing Fundamentals
11:00 - 12:20 Writing and the Arts
12:30 - 1:50 Art History

3:30 - 6:20 Design
6:45 - 9:30 Paint and color theory

8:00 - 10:50 Drawing Fundamentals
11:00 - 12:20 Writing and the Arts
12:30 - 1:50 Art History

Friday, Saturday and Sunday are free days for me (I have NSS on Fridays at 11am but I don't really count it)

As you can see I have freshman classes, that is because I took a risk and transferred as a freshman so I could start fresh. My old school was not an art school and only a few classes were worth transferring for art credits. It may look like a small schedule but I have a lot of homework (even on the first week)